What I Ate: Vanilla Bean Glazed Yeasted Donuts

My sister asked me to make donuts for Christmas, so I did. I probably make these yeasted donuts a few times a year. They're pretty simple and now that we have a stand mixer, the dough is quick to whip up. It's mostly standby time for proofing of the dough.

My suggestion is to get up first thing in the morning to make the dough, let it go through its first proof while you go back to bed to laze around a little longer. Then, roll the dough out and form the donuts and get them ready for their second proofing. This is when you can make yourself a cup of tea, change out of your sleeping pajamas into your daytime sweatpants. Make a glaze, get the oil heating, and then whip up the donuts.

Why not make some for your valentine this weekend? Don't have one? Be your own!

