What I Ate: Spicy Fridge Pickles

Whilst we wait for our garden to start producing some cucumbers, my sister asked me to make a batch using store bought cucumbers. I altered my spicy pickles recipe ever so slightly for this batch so despite this being a 'What I Ate' post, if you scroll down, there's a recipe page for you, if you're interested.
The most difficult part of making pickles is the waiting. Once they're in their jars, you have to wait a few days before they're pickled. I think this could be the ultimate motivation for making a time machine.

I built an entire meal around the pickles. I decided to grill up some burgers and a bunch of asparagus.
The asparagus was drizzled lightly with olive oil and sprinkled with salt and pepper before being tossed on the grill. After they were lightly charred, I squeezed on a little lemon. They were awesome.
In addition to the crispy bacon and fried onions and mushroom burger toppings, I made some special sauce.

A perfect summery meal, all thanks to these pickles.
And of course, you can't call it a summery meal without s'mores.
Here's the recipe page, as promised:
