Inebriated Melon

We've come deep enough into the season that it's so warm that my dog will try and snuggle while I'm sat on the sofa watching television but after maybe four seconds, he decides it's too hot and starts kicking me, as if I was the one that sidled up next to him. Of course, I feel so badly that he's got a permanent fur coat on so I oblige and move away to give him some air, even if means I'm squished up to one side of the couch.

The good news is that because he's exiled me to the side of the couch, he's not all up in my business, resting his head on my wrists as I fiddle with my laptop. What can he say? He's just a needy, affection-craving pooch who wants to be right next to his family, except when it's hot.

With my dog-less wrists free to type, I am ready to tell you about this refreshing cocktail. And even though alcohol dehydrates you, this one's full of delicious watermelon juice, which is ultra hydrating and amazing for your skin. So I think we can put this in the category of healthy cocktails, right?
2 oz. clear rum
1 oz. cucumber juice
1 tablespoon lemon juice (½ oz.)
4 oz. watermelon juice
mint sprig

To make watermelon juice, just grab some watermelon and whizz it up in a blender until smooth. Strain the pulp if you prefer.
Do the same thing with cucumber to make cucumber juice and again, strain the pulp if you prefer.
To make the cocktail, just mix together the cucumber juice, lemon juice, rum, and watermelon juice. Give the whole thing a good stir.
Pour over ice, garnish with a little mint, and serve.
This is a deliciously summery cocktail and it's super dangerous because you can't even tell that there's any alcohol in it. Melon and cucumber go really well together because they belong to the same plant family and the little squeeze of lemon brightens it up.
