Lemonade with Ginger & Mint

This drink is inspired by one I had while I was in Chile last month. I went to a cevicheria for lunch and the server suggested I get a fresh juice or a lemonade and I opted for this delicious lemonade with ginger and mint. It was just so vibrant and refreshing and it stuck in my brain. And since it's been so hot and sticky here this summer, I started craving this drink. It's super easy to throw together, especially when you use a quick lemonade (instead of making it with simple syrup).
4-inch knob of ginger
6 sprigs mint
10 lemons
1 cup sugar
+ water to taste

Start by chopping up the ginger and adding it to a food processor. Pulse until the ginger is completely pureed into mush.
Add in the mint sprigs (stems and all) and pulse until finely chopped.
I think maybe next time I'll do the mint separately just because it caused the ginger to oxidize and made it a not-so-nice color (even though it didn't affect the flavor or the aesthetic of the end result too much).

Anyway, put the pulp into a sieve and strain out the juice. Keep the juices, discard the pulp.
Juice the lemons and add the juice to a jar with the sugar. Shake until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Add the ginger juice to the lemonade concentrate and shake. Start off with a little and add more to taste.
To serve, add ice to some glasses, pour in some of the lemonade ginger juice, and top with water. The ratio I like is 1 part lemonade ginger and 2 parts water. Adjust to whatever your taste is. And that's it! It's super easy but the result is v. rewarding. It's really bright and yummy. The ginger is sharp and spicy, the mint is fragrant and cooling, and of course, lemonade is the ultimate summer staple.
Here's the recipe page:
